While the NYCUSK went to Greenwich Ct, @JoanTav1 and I went to Port Jefferson to draw. The sky and the water were grey. Not a friendly lets paint your living room and chic grey, but the kind of grey sky whose calling card says, “don’t try and hide, wintier is on it’s way. ” It was raw and windy and miserable. Joan and I could barely muster the energy or enthusiasm for a subject. Nothing was calling to us. But 90% of making great art is about just showing up to the page and doing it. And no whining about boring subjects. I have seen a beautiful watercolor of an old rusty chain. It’s more about setting intentions and keeping an open mind and heart to letting something happen. Will it always be great , when you are uninspired or weather challenged, or just plain no in the mood. No., of course not, but I can guarantee you will get better regardless.

One of the things I kept reminding myself was, “don’t forget, the water reflects the sky”. Somehow the water looked darker but I restrained myself and kept it that winter grey. You know what? It worked! It’s a little darker then I intended but in the grand scheme of things, I am very pleased and proud of myself for following though and learning the lesson..
I am hoping for a surprise Indian Summer to extend my outdoor drawing practice for a bit longer, but while it’s the middle of October we still haven’t had a frost toast. I would love to see Northeast communities bathed in sunlight and not the sad and icy grey that moves in until May 31st .
Above find the still waters of Port Jefferson Harbor. It’s a busy place even on a day like today with a slew of boats moored and Ferries to Bridgeport, Ct. The scene was interesting, but ya just can’t replace a sunny day.
So right, it’s all about showing up and doing it!
I lived in Port Jefferson! My old old old stomping grounds!! Beautiful work!!